Research Data Management Policy


Silent Spring Consultants is committed to the dissemination of the knowledge it creates, and recognises that important components of this knowledge are the datasets generated in the course of its research activity.

We support the principle adopted by many public funding bodies that research data should be made open and accessible to the fullest extent, providing this is consistent with relevant legal, ethical and commercial obligations, the legitimate interests of researchers and the intellectual property interests of the organisation.

We fully subscribes to the Common Principles on Data Policy set out by RCUK, and believes that where it is possible, the open sharing of data will bring benefits to the extent, quality and reach of its research and impact.


  • Silent Spring Consultants will comply with all legal, ethical, funding body and organisational requirements for the collection, use, storage and sharing of data, especially personal and sensitive data, where particular attention must be paid to the requirements for ethical research conduct and of Data Protection legislation.
  • Silent Spring Consultants requires all researchers to ensure that research data collected and processed in the course of their research activities are managed in accordance with this policy and other policies within the organisation, as well as the requirements of funding bodies and any relevant legislative or contractual obligations.
  • Researchers are required to offer for preservation in a suitable data repository data that substantiate published research findings. Data repositories managed by third parties should be used where this is appropriate. In the absence of appropriate third party services, researchers may deposit data in the organisation’s data repository,  where they will be preserved and made available, so that others may discover the data and gain access to them where this is permitted.
  • Researchers are required to make reasonable efforts to secure the right to share relevant data openly.
  • Silent Spring Consultants accepts that there are circumstances in which it is not possible to do this, or where data can only be shared under restriction. Data may be legitimately withheld where personal or sensitive data have been obtained for a specific research purpose under conditions of confidentiality, or where consent for sharing of data has been withheld, or where other relevant legal or ethical considerations apply.
  • Silent Spring Consultants provides information, support and training to staff to ensure that they can manage their research data lawfully and effectively, understand the benefits of making their data widely available, and are aware of the means by which this can be done.
  • Silent Spring Consultants will engage with funders, statutory bodies and other stakeholders to ensure that it is fully conversant with developments in the sharing of research data and that its Research Data Service remains responsive to evolving requirements.


Responsibility for the Research Data Management policy sits with the Research Director of Silent Spring Consultants

Strategic oversight of operational activities rests with the Managing Director of Silent Spring Consultants.

Document History

First version created

30 April 2022

Date next review

30 April 2025

Review every 3 year