Extreme Heat - What Can We Do to Move From Coping to Preparedness?

BeBrit Extreme Heat Risk Project - Learning and Exchange Event in Brussels.

26 September 2024, 10.30 - 14.00 (lunch included). 

In-person event, limited places.

Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels

Join us for our learning and exchange event on tackling extreme heat!

Discover strategies, plans and city actions that go from simply coping with the heat to being fully prepared for it.

Who is the event for?

  • Federal, regional and city government and officials responsible for climate change, adaptation, resilience, environment, urban planning etc;
  • Anyone who is working in a sector that is affected by extreme heat or could be in the future e.g. public health, health and social care, transport, water, emergency services (fire, ambulance, search and rescue), buildings and architecture, planning, infrastructure, agriculture, trade unions, tourism)
  • Anyone researching extreme heat e.g. academics, consultants


Register your interest in attending the event here

Please note: This is an in-person event in Brussels and places are strictly limited. Please register your interest in attending. Then we will let you know if a place is available or if you are on the waiting list.  



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