Silent Spring Consultants offers top-level academic research services to universities within our fields of expertise. The project may be large or small, or be a time-specific, focused piece of work or task. Examples include book editing, writing funding applications, conducting fieldwork in different settings using a variety of methods and communicating research (e.g. workshops and conferences). Below you can read in more detail the types of literature reviews, peer-reviewed original journal articles and evaluations we can offer.
We have experience of writing large research applications involving multi-disciplinary teams e.g. EU Horizon Europe and national funding bodies (e.g. UKRI) as well as small project funding applications. We can search for research funding and co-author research funding applications for future collaboration.
At any stage of a research project or in the research cycle there can be a researcher vacuum/gap where a relatively short intervention is required by an experienced researcher for example, towards the end of a project when a researcher leaves but outputs still need to be fulfilled – this is where we can help!
Advanced Review
A critical review of key areas of research that seeks to engage readers through an in-depth assessment of peer-reviewed research methods and frameworks, evidence-based identification of research gaps, and insights into potential research studies.
- Systematic Review
A review that addresses key questions on crucial issues through evidence-based narrative syntheses of peer-reviewed literature. Provides critical analyses and unbiased appraisal of relevant literature using well-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria.
- Overview
A broad and relatively non-technical treatment of important topics with comprehensive (not exhaustive) reference to the key articles/books in the field. Current knowledge is placed in its temporal context by providing some historical depth to the topic.
- Opinion Piece
A more individual, perhaps deliberately provocative perspective on the a live debate, a field in question or to set out new agendas for research and action.
- Original Articles
Combine conceptual, empirical and methodological elements to make an original and critical contribution to the field.
- Critical Reviews
Provide state of the art introductions, discussions and critiques in areas of research that can be conceptual, methodological or philosophical.
- Debates and Interventions
Provocative debate and discussion about timely issues and developments. Will cover recent developments in theory, methods, conceptual perspectives, and emerging ideas relevant to the journal focus.
- Special Issues/Guest Editorial
Proposal and contributions that provide a critical forum for sets of complementary or contrasting articles addressing emergent and topical issues or questions.
- Book Reviews
Reviews of recent books and monographs which contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
- Evaluation Reports
High quality evaluation of research, programmes and projects by independent experts. It involves the systematic and objective assessment of an on-going or completed project, it design, implementation and results. The aim is to assess the fulfilment of objectives, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and lessons learned.
- Monitoring
A continuing function that uses systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide management and the main stakeholders of an ongoing development intervention with indications of the extent of progress and achievement of objectives and progress in the use of allocated funds.
- Review
An assessment of the performance of an intervention, periodically or on an ad hoc basis. Reviews are usually less comprehensive and/or in-depth than evaluations and they tend to emphasize operational aspects.
As a external facilitator we can guide a process that assists the university in discussing and taking action on issues.
If you require more information about our Research Services, please do not hesitate to contact us, because Silent Spring Consultants make complex things easy.